The Embrace Blog

Welcome to the Embrace blog where we share self-care tips to help you get the most out of life.  

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Tips for Getting Back to Routine

mind and body Aug 23, 2023

Getting back to routine can be challenging, but it's essential for productivity and overall well-being.  It's a huge part of self-care as you schedule it into your life. 

It's back to school time, indicating it's time to get back to routine, summer is just about over, and it's time to focus.
When thinking about autumn, do you ever get that inkling that aaaahhh fall is about to arrive, and it's time to get back to routine, and maybe even start something new?  It always reminds me of the feelings I had as a teenager, going back to high school, and anxiety, the excitement, the smell of fall in the air, the crunching of leaves...  time to get life on track.
Not sure where to start? You're not alone.  Here are 10 tips to help you get back on track, or on track for the first time.
1  Start Small - We have all tried something where you jump in with both feet, only to find yourself drifting away from that thing within a few months or even...
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What is an Energy Ball, and what do I do with it?

mind and body Jun 20, 2022

You have learned all about the Chakras in the last 7 blogs, so what's next?

"Along with our system of seven Main physical chakras we have a web of auxiliary energy centres or lesser chakras that provide a wide spectrum of energy influx into our system. There are 21 minor Chakras distributed all over the body."*1   Did you know that?

Today we are going to focus on the ones in your hands and I am going to show you how to create an energy ball with your hands, and what to do with it!  Watch as I describe it in the above video.

Now it's your turn! 

Watch the video again and do it with me.

You will be amazed at how this can help you in a pinch to calm a pain or bring warmth and love to your body.  Remember it's all about the intention you place upon your energy ball and what you wish it to help you with.

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The Root Chakra is where it starts...

mind and body Apr 18, 2022

Now you have a basic understanding of what Charka's do from the previous blogs about Chakras.  Caring for our Chakras is part of self-care, as it relates to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies that surround and are a part of us, known as our aura.

The Root Chakras mission is  "I want.  I need."

Root Chakra Purpose is about:

  •  Survival
  •  Safety
  •  Security
  •  Self-Preservation
  •  Life Force
  •  Being grounded and secure on this planet

The qualities listed above are all about incorporating safety, security and grounding into our lives.  Really you can relate it back to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, as he talks about these characteristics at the base of his scale.  If we do not feel safe, secure and grounded, it can be difficult to navigate in day to day life.  

Now you can see why the Root is such an important Chakra, as they are all, but for different...

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When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

mind and body May 24, 2021
We have all heard the saying...
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
This may be easier said than done, as it involves truly letting go and moving foward which may not always be that easy.
However fresh lemonade does sound refreshing, so maybe it is worth doing what it takes to make lemonade.
If you recall in previous newletters I shared how we got our precious puppy Penelope Roseritta, and a big part of her life was to be my walking partner.  What a great plan for my self-care, involving our puppy, love, fresh air, sunshine and exercise
Things were going great then on a warm melting sunny day in Calgary, everything changed.
We were out for a walk, when we approached what I thought was water on the sidewalk.  As soon as my foot hit that patch, in the blink of an eye I was on the ground and my lower leg was pointing the wrong direction... oh no what have I done!!!
Long story short I had to have ...
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How do you react to a life event and your self-care regium?

mind and body Nov 20, 2020
In the last blog we talked about when a "life event" happens and throws you off your self-care regium.  It happens to all of us, so how do you deal with it?  For us it was a matter of "short term pain" for "long term gain"
In getting a puppy our normal routine was knocked out of whack, however 6 weeks in we now are training our walking partner to get us back on track.  Knowing this will become a part of our daily routine, what a great way to commit to walking as part of our self-care.
 Why it is so difficult to get back on track once we have slipped off our self-care regium?
I really started searching for the answer to this question, and what I discovered was this interesting observation.
When we try something new we have a different energy, we are excited to take on something new.  It breaks us out of our old patterns and gives us something interesting to do, which activates different parts of the...
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