Tips for Getting Back to Routine

mind and body Aug 23, 2023

Getting back to routine can be challenging, but it's essential for productivity and overall well-being.  It's a huge part of self-care as you schedule it into your life. 

It's back to school time, indicating it's time to get back to routine, summer is just about over, and it's time to focus.
When thinking about autumn, do you ever get that inkling that aaaahhh fall is about to arrive, and it's time to get back to routine, and maybe even start something new?  It always reminds me of the feelings I had as a teenager, going back to high school, and anxiety, the excitement, the smell of fall in the air, the crunching of leaves...  time to get life on track.
Not sure where to start? You're not alone.  Here are 10 tips to help you get back on track, or on track for the first time.
1  Start Small - We have all tried something where you jump in with both feet, only to find yourself drifting away from that thing within a few months or even weeks.  Be sure to begin with a few managale tasks rather than overwhelming yourself with along to-do list.  Gradually add more tasks as you regain your rhythm.
2  Set Clear Goals - Having clear objectives will give your routine a purpose and make it more motivating. Be sure to define specific goals you want to achieve through your routine.  Make sure they are reasonable and practicable, meaning will you really do it, or can you really do it?  Use your mobile device, or go the old fashioned way with a daytimer - whatever works for you.
3 Establish a Schedule - As painful as it may sound at first, create a daily or weekly schedule that outlines your tasks, work hours, exercise, meals and leisure time etc. As you stick to this, you will be motivated to continue scheduling.

Prioritize Sleep - Let's face it, without proper sleep and rest we are not at our best. Ensure you get enough sleep and that your sleep schedule is consistent to help regulate your body's internal clock and energy levels.

Healthy Eating - Plan balanced meals and snacks, as healthy as possible. Proper nutrition has a significant impact on your energy, mood and focus, all things you are trying to enhance.
6  Stay Hydrated - Dehydration can lead to fatigue and decreased productivity.  Keep a water bottle  handy to remind you to drink throughout the day.  Try adding a slice or two of cucumber or lemon to make it "living water", making it more absorbent. 
7  Exercise Regularly - Be sure to incorporate exercise into your routine, even it's a short walk.  Or take a break, put on some tunes, and dance!  Physical activity boost your energy and enhances mood.  So does some good dance music!
8  Limit Distractions - To help focus and concentration, minimize distractions during work or study hours.  Turn off notifications and create a dedicated workspace.
9  Practice Mindfulness - Incorporate mindfulness or meditation into your routine.  These practices can help reduce stress and improve focus.
10  Be Flexible - While routines are essential, we all know that life can throw you a curveball anytime!  Be open to adjusting when necessary to accommodate unexpected events without derailing your progress.  Accept and move on.
Remember that getting back into a routine takes time and patience, so be kind to yourself.
Celebrate your small successes along the way and stay adaptable to make your routine sustainable and enjoyable.  If you don't enjoy it, you'll be finding excuses in a very short time.

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