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Time to cleanse your energetic self, but how?

body mind emotion Jun 23, 2021
Have you ever entered a room and felt the energy thick?  
For example say there was a heated discussion that you walked in on, or a home that is for sale due to a bad marriage break up.  It just feels heavy and sticky.
The scary part is that energy can stick to us without us even knowing.  Next you know we are feeling a down, or have little patience, unmotivated, or become angry for no reason etc. 
 Chances are we do not think about where we have been that day, or why we feel this way, because energy is invisible so it never dawns on us that we picked up that negative sticky energy.   But it is evident that something is going on based on how you now feel.
The question then becomes, what can we do about it?
Cleanse Yourself!
That is the answer, but how do we go about it?
One of the most common ways is...
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