Time to cleanse your energetic self, but how?

body mind emotion Jun 23, 2021
Have you ever entered a room and felt the energy thick?  
For example say there was a heated discussion that you walked in on, or a home that is for sale due to a bad marriage break up.  It just feels heavy and sticky.
The scary part is that energy can stick to us without us even knowing.  Next you know we are feeling a down, or have little patience, unmotivated, or become angry for no reason etc. 
 Chances are we do not think about where we have been that day, or why we feel this way, because energy is invisible so it never dawns on us that we picked up that negative sticky energy.   But it is evident that something is going on based on how you now feel.
The question then becomes, what can we do about it?
Cleanse Yourself!
That is the answer, but how do we go about it?
One of the most common ways is to have a bath with some epsom salt.  Epsom salt will help pull out some of the toxins created by those sticky emotions, and we can literally wash it off and watch it go down the drain.  Himalayan bath salts are another great alternative and has similar cleansing properties.
Certainly not my go to, but having a shower and finishing it off with a cold water rinse is also a great way to clear that sticky energy, nevermind wake you up!
The native practice of smudging is another option.   This is where you take sage (ensure you have a shell or bowl under the lit sage to catch any embers that may fall), light it with a match, and wave it until the flame turns to smoke.  If you blow it out you are putting your unclean essence into the sage, and we are aiming to get rid of it, not amplify it!   
Next hold it with the intention to clear your aura or energy field and starting at your head wave the smoke gently into your aura or energy field.  You can wave it into  your aura with your hand, however if you have a feather that's even better.  Do this from head to toe, both sides and front and back of you.  It's much easier if you have someone to do this for you, and you for them, however it is possible to do it yourself.
For those of you who do not like smoke, but love how sage works, you can use a sage spray (we have one called Invocation if you are looking to purchase - check out the STORE in the navigation bar), and same applies, spray into your aura or energy field with the intention to cleanse your aura or energy field. Once again, it all comes down to intention.
Next is sound vibration, one of my personal favourites.  This includes a drum, a bell, tingshas, rattles, tuning forks, singing bowls etc., anything that causes a vibration. 
Think about vibration, it moves things. A jack hammer used in construction, the vibration shakes until the ground gives way.  Using sound vibration in your aura or energy field does the same thing, it shakes out the icky so you can feel fresh again, releasing that sticky energy.
If you have viewed the ROCKRULES used to cleanse Crystals (check out navigation bar for your copy), you will see that many of the techniques are similar as the intention is the same, to clear out the old and make room for the new.
Next set your intention of what you wish to be.  For example, I wish to be filled with joy, or more energetic, or have a peaceful day, or a productive day... whatever it is for you. Follow up with gratitude to the Universe, just a simple heartfelt thank you will suffice.
Remember to state what you want, NOT what you don't want, so I would not suggest using the words "stress free" for example, as the Universe does not decipher between good and bad, it just follows what the word is, hence why I would leave those kinds of words out of the intention.
Once you are cleansed and filled with your intention, why not top it off with some essential oils to help support your new intention? But where to start?
Maybe you have essential oils but hardly use them?  Or are you interested in essential oils but have no idea where to start?  You might be interested to take this quiz and find out a good oil(s) to start or refresh your knowledge with.   
Click HERE or on the big blue button below to take the quiz now.
Now you are in the know on how to cleanse your energetic self with these few suggestions.  I would love to hear what else you do to cleanse your energy field.  Drop me a line at [email protected] and share.

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