The Value of Reflection

mind Jan 08, 2021
Instead of talking about what's new lets first reflect on this crazy year of the world wide pandemic.  Who knew at this time last year that our lives were about to be turned upside down by something we have no control over?
Looking back, how did you respond to COVID 19?
Did fear set in right away, or were you in disbelief that it would make it this far?  Whatever the answers to those questions are for you, use it to your advantage.  How?  By turning that life experience into wisdom, via your mindset.
What did you learn about yourself in the process?
What would you do differently if this were to happen again?
Did you gain clarity about what is really important?  I know I did, and it allowed me to convert my business to more of what I wanted, vs what was in front of me.  Sound familiar at all?  Where did you gain clarity?
This is the value of self-reflection.
Looking back as we move forward. 
Not looking back and staying there, but looking back at what you learned about yourself, your choices, what's really important and clarity to see where you really want to do, or maybe at this point, clarity of what you don't want.  It's different for everyone as we are all on different journeys.
I invite you to reflect on the year, maybe even get a pen and paper and start answering some of these questions:
What did I learn about myself in the face of a pandemic?
What would I do differently next time?
What would i do the same?
How did I handle my emotions, and who can i reach out to if I go through this again?
Did I set an example for others?  Was it a positive example or one I would like to do over?
What's really important to me?
What can I start doing more of to really make me happy?
You get the idea, these are questions to get the ball-point rolling, but by all means let your heart and mind pour out and tell you a story, a story about you.  
You have heard the expression to "dance like no one is watching", well I invite you to write like no one will ever read it, except youImage
Notice how much better you feel just by getting that stuff from your heal, and or your heart, through your arm and onto paper?  
Or if you use a computer, same thing, let the info flow from you to the keyboard.  Regardless you are moving that energy out of your body to make room for the next day. 
Imagine if you did that regularly, like even once a week?  It's just one way "clear our vessel" so to speak.  Another tip for self-care, clearing our vessel energetically.... aaaahhhh goes well with a big inhale, and an even bigger exhale...........
Enjoy your reflection time and embrace your learning, then embrace yourself, you made it through this tough year!  Time to celebrate you.

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