The C Word

mind Sep 12, 2020
First of all, what is self-care, and what is it's purpose?
In a short phrase self-care is feeding your soul by doing something you love and causes no harm I call this self-care. 
If you look at it that way, it has a whole new meaning versus just something else to add to your "to do" list. 
This month we will talk about a key component of our mindset, and in reference to the car analogy, we need more than just fuel, we also need a maintenance program to keep it running well.  That key component is what we will talk about next.  
The C word!
The C word, could be car, carbon or fuel to run the car... ok spoiler alert, its ​​​​​​
This is what we are going to start exploring with you each month, just one piece at a time so you can not only take it in, but start to practice it.  I mean, what's the point of information if we don't at least give it a try?
Yes commitment to yourself and your self-care.  
Without commitment, it will not last, and dont you want lasting results?  This way we don't need to continue to search out and try the latest fad to see if maybe this is the silver bullet.  Sad to say, my experience has been is that there is no one silver bullet. 
However there are many bits and pieces that will work for us, once we figure out what those pieces are for us individually. 
So folks, there is no one size fits all approach when it comes to self-care.  
The fun part is discovering things you love, or will come to love as you start to see results
Each month we will discuss another option for your to consider to see if it is for you.  The only way you will know is to try it.
Have fun while you...
But first let's get back to commitment.   
The key to your personal "maintenance program".
What kind of commitments do you have in your daily life?   
Let's take a look together.  Maybe you have one or more or all of the following:
A job to go too.
A child or children to care for.
Aging parents to care for or visit.
A pet to care for.
The Doctor or health care appointments.
Private appointments like a the hair salon for example.
Grocery shopping.
Driving a person to a specific event, daily, weekly or more, such as driving a child to soccer practice.
Getting everyone out the door clean and fed by 8am time.
Making breakfast lunch and dinner, shopping,  planning and preparation for each of those.
Social life with friends, including special event planning like birthdays and weddings.
Classes you may be in and all the work that goes into that.
Community commitments.
Gosh the list of commitments goes on and on, so no wonder that the thought of taking on another commitment like self-care seems so big. 
But let's talk about what happens if we don't.
First ask yourself why are you spending the time reading this? 
 I might guess that your body mind and soul is screaming for attention.
We are living in a very unpredictable time that is changing from one day to another.  This leads to tremendous stress! 
What does stress do to your body, are you feeling aches and pains you never felt before.  Maybe you have been working from home and have not been as active, adding a few pounds to your waistline.  That makes you feel worse as you sport last years clothing that is just a little tighter.
Then there is the mental stress, the anxiety, the sleep problems not able to shut off the mind and get a good rest.
Emotionally there are times when you just feel defeated, tired of the unknown, scared of it, and the downward cycle begins.  Feelings of depression set in, others notice you are snippy and short with them, you are just an irritable bear.
You dont have to be experiencing all of these things, even a few is enough to have an impact on our long term health.  
So really think about how making a commitment, even a small one, is one step closer to a healthier, happier you.
Where can you start?
First of all think about what is reasonable, practicable and achievable.  If you miss the mark on any of those parameters, you have a good chance of failing and that is the last thing you want!
I have committed to starting my day with a morning walk and this is where I suggest you begin. 
It started a few months ago, with 10 minutes, then 20, 30, and some days when my husband joins me it ranges from 60-90 minutes and we LOVE it!  We have discovered so many paths and trails, it has become a challenge to see what else we can find.
Walking is something we can do that won't cost us any money, and the benefits of the fresh air and sunshine are fantastic.  This is why I suggest is getting outside and going for a walk. Listen below as to why I do it first thing in the morning.  
Before you just start walking consider what is a reasonable, practical and achievable goal.  Maybe it's 3 days a week, for 15 minutes. The following week either make it 20 minutes or add another day.  You get the idea, progress is good, but consistency is key.
Besides you will feel soooooo good for sticking to your commitment, it will be the motivation to keep going.  Celebrate your first week of commitment!  Drop me a line and let me know how you did at [email protected].
If you over commit, no big deal, just cut it back and start again until you find your groove.  But also make it enough so you get some gradual results.

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