Why is accountability so important?

mind Nov 20, 2020
Last time we will talked about a key component of our mindset, and in reference to the car analogy, we need more than just fuel, we also need a maintenance program to keep it running well
That key component is commitment. 
We talked about all our commitments, and how we are usually at the end of the list, therefore not self-caring ourselves
How do we go about changing that, by setting reasonable, practicable and doable goals for ourselves, staring with baby steps.
Also remember what happens if we take no action, nothing changes, well wait...
Lets not just wait for something to magically happen. 
Time to take responsibility for your life and live a better life with the aid of self-care.
Now its time for what I like to call an Accountability check in.
Most successful people have someone that can hold them accountable, as nothing like having to report to another to help keep you on track.  That is a big reason why people hire coaches, gym coaches, business coaches, and life coaches.
Going back to commitment, time to check in and see where you are at.  Have you set some realistic goals, if yes what are they (send me an update at [email protected]) and how it is going so far?
What obstacles got in the way, if any?
Did you have trouble getting started or did that flow well?
The big question, are you still doing it, whatever you choose as your first steps to self-care?
I will share that I have some issues with my feet that I am getting taken care of.  The process is downright painful, hence it knocked me off my normal routine, as I was even on crutches for a few days. 
Have you ever used crutches and did you notice how quickly it affects other parts of our body?
What this reminds me of is a very important message.
What if I was unable to walk, oh my goodness now that would be life changing.  So once things are healed, HOW DARE I NOT get back on my walking routine, as healthy walking is truly a gift. 
That puts an entirely different perspective on walking now doesnèt it, well it does for me, and I hope it does for you as well. 
Once again so much wisdom in the Nike statement:

I will add:
 Because you can!
If you have fallen off track, no biggie, just think about why you did, so you can change or remove that obstacle and get back on track. 
DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP, that is a waste of energy, just learn from it and move on.  Beating yourself up lowers your vibration and doing that brings down your energy, your spark, your light.
If you are keeping with you plan, time to celebrate you!  Just doing something nice for yourself, acknowledging what you did, will intrinsically motivate you to keep going, why, because you can!
In fact if you've got it down, why not step it up, by adding some more time, 5, 10 minutes to your exercise routine, or add another component like a 5 minute guided meditation off of YouTube. 
Meditation is like a mental break from reality, even if just for a few minutes, you will feel better after.  I find the guided meditations a great place to start, as its difficult to turn off the mind at times, so easier to follow a guided one.
The best way to grow is like a cocoon to a butterfly, gradually not all at once.  You have better chances of sticking with your commitment if you baby step it up as you go.

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