Are you too busy driving to stop and get gas?

mind Sep 12, 2020

Self-care purpose

First of all, what is self-care, and what is it's purpose?
In a short phrase self-care is feeding your soul by doing something you love.  I call this self-care. 
If you look at it that way, it has a whole new meaning versus just something else to add to your "to do" list. 
This is what we are going to start exploring with you each month, just one piece at a time so you can not only take it in, but start to practice it.  I mean, what's the point of information if we don't at least give it a try?
As an inspirational man once said... 

"Are you too busy driving to stop and get gas?"  
Dr. Stephen R. Covey
When you think about that you may say of course not!  I'd run out of gas and not be able to go any where.
but yet...
What do you do to your body on a regular basis?
The first topic I want to discover with you is mindset.  Hiding under your mindset are your believes that drive that mindset.  If we dont believe self-care is important, then we won't attempt it, or find value, as its taking us away from something else.
So lets start to uncover what your underlying beliefs might be around self-care.
Do you think its perhaps selfish to take time for you?
Do you think, "well I have food and a bed to sleep in, Im good."
Do you feel guilty taking time for you?
Do others give you a hard time when you take time for you, so you just dont bother, I mean their needs come first.
These are just some of the questions to consider to find out what the underlying belief is.  Why is this so important, is because once you are aware of what that believe is (and what is not working), then you have a choice to start changing or adjusting that belief so you can start to get results that work for you.
If not consider what happens to you when you run out of gas?
 I know you are so used to putting others first, especially if your a Mom or care for others, and that it may seem unnatural to make time for you.  
However if you take some time for you, you will feel more energised, grounded, purposeful, and this allows you to be able to help others as you wish, because you have the fuel to do so!
If you believe it's silly to drive around and not get gas, then good!  It's time for you to gas up. 

 and remember...

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