One good deed inspires another!

body mind emotion Sep 05, 2022
One good deed inspires another!
While out for our daily walk at the dog park and to the river, (self-care for all of us right) I noticed a man who we see most days, out with his dog going at a snail pace, with a bag in his hand.
We stopped to say hello, and exchange treats dog to dog, and I asked what he was doing.
"Just picking up garbage to keep our beautiful trails and park beautiful this nice.  Imagine if every person did this?"
Well it hit me like a ton of bricks. He was right!  Why do I walk past garbage, because it's not mine?  Yeah admittingly so, the underlying thought being, people should be responsible for themselves, why should I pick up after the irresponsible, or as Dr. Stephen Covey says "irr-response-able.  
I had to ask myself, am I able?  You bet I am, so why do I walk past others garbage?  What is my true excuse, is it pride, to prove a point, to wait for those responsible to come back and pick up their mess?  As if that is going to happen, so instead of being part of the problem, he inspired me to be part of the solution!
I mean we use this beautiful park most days, what is stopping me from keeping it beautiful?  My thoughts around responsibility that's what.  So time to change my thoughts, and change my behaviour and look beyond my beliefs around responsibility and think about Mother Earth and the lovey gift she gives us each day. Why am I not giving back to her?
I have to admit I feel kinda like a dufus now that I realize the big picture in instead of letting my ego mind take control.  I am there, I now have bags in the van, and there is no more excuses!
Self-care goes beyond us when you think about it.  It's about our environment as well, our home, AND the planet we live on. I don't know about you but I don't want to live in a dirty house, or walk in a litter infested park, so time to grab some compassion for Mother Earth and help keep her clean.  Like the man said "imagine if everyone did this?", what a different world we would live in!
I hope this inspires you like it has for me to do what we can to help Mother Earth, as she literally holds our space on this earth.  Next time you walk past of piece of litter on the ground, maybe you will think twice about walking by...
Today I picked up the first piece of trash I found and recycled it.  Remember my definition of Self-care "Anything that makes your heart sing, and causes no harm."  This one act made my heart sing, so not only am I taking care of me, but Mother Earth as well.  I have to say, it feels pretty darn good!  
Yes it was that easy!
Your turn, what little thing can you do to improve your environment, inside and outside?  Drop me a line at [email protected] to share with me.

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