Mind your thoughts, mind your intention.

mind Aug 08, 2021
As I work with energy in the services I provide, I always am sure to place intention for whatever session, grid or modality work I might be doing and am careful to do so with positive language.
Well Miss Penelope Roseritta has yet taught Darren and myself a very valuable lesson about intention, and how to better mind my intention, as it goes far beyond what we thought it did.
First I need to backtrack.  Last fall we got our puppy miss Penelope Roseritta, and part of the purpose was for her to be my walking partner.  Great plan to commit to walking as part of my self-care regime.  
Then that dreadful day March 9th occurred when I fell hard and fast on black ice, with Penelope in tow, and detached the quadricep tendon off my knee bone.  Life changed instantly for all of us, as I required emergency surgery and a long healing process afterwards with minimal mobility.  So much for my walking partner, for now anyway.
Well Penelope witnessed me falling and heard my cries, and later witnessed me being taken away by the ambulance going down the stairs getting out the door, crying in pain.  Then Mommy was gone for 3 nights, and when Mommy returned all she did was lay around!  Well Penelope was also traumatized by this event and started having trouble going up stairs, which is bad as we have  split level.
Things got better for a while, then months later when I started walking with her and Darren again, it triggered the past event and at one point Darren had to carry her up the stairs to get her outside to do her business!
This is when I we started thinking we have a dog with PTSD, she is somewhat disabled if she cannot do the stairs, what where we going to do, how can we fix this...  I started with my modalites of course, from Crystals to Crystal Grids, Emotions Code, Body Code, asked my Body Talk cousin to do a few check ins on her, cord cutting... you get the idea, anything energetic we gave it a try.  It continued to get worse for a few days, now she was afraid of being picked up and carried, and our stress got worse wondering what we were going to do.
I went online and found this amazing man Michael R Burke at www.michaelrburke.com an animal communicator and behaviour consultant.  I downloaded his free ebook and videos and found his work right up our alley, we understood his language and would give it a try before hiring him on to see what he could do.   I highly recommend you go download his 5 steps to understand your pets if you are having any kind of behavioural issues.  He is on my list as well should we ever need his services.
One of his 5 steps included to visualize your pet doing what you want them to do vs focusing on their negative behaviour.  Exactly what I say about setting intent right, focus on what you want, not what you do not want and choose those words.
We both agreed to give it a try and see what happens.  Well the miracle and learning lesson happened, it is not only us setting intention when setting a grid, or healing session for example, but instead OUR THOUGHTS ARE OUR INTENTION!  Based on this, we have decided to MIND OUR INTENTION, as that is what our thoughts are! I am shocked to be learning this now and thought it best be shared. Now there is much more wisdom behind the saying to mind your thoughts, because you are minding your underlying intention at the same time.  
Oh goodness sake, here we have been saying negative things in our minds and to each other about our problem child, when we were the problem all along!  She picked up on our thoughts (yes we are that connected even to animals), and gave us the results we were expecting.  When we would close our eyes and see her coming up the stairs, we would open our eyes, and there she was!  It has been a few weeks since we started this and guess what, no more problem child! 
We learned our lesson.  
Now, everyone is happy!
Now think about when you go out in public.  Are you silently judging people, what they wear, their behaviour etc, as human beings I am sure at one time or another we have had not so great thoughts about others, I know I have and more than I like to admit.  But now think about that energetic intention you are throwing their way, and what the impact might be.
The opposite is also true, what about thoughts and intentions that people are throwing your way, how can you protect yourself from that?
To learn how to protect yourself with our favourite Crystal for protection, continue reading by clicking HERE.

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