Adapting to Change

mind Nov 10, 2023
Have you noticed the pace of change, especially when it comes to technology, AI, and even my bank just changed the orientation of the access card at the bank machine!  It just never stops, and as they say 
"The only thing that is consistent is change itself."  
Why is adapting to change a part of self-care?  If we resist change we get set in our ways, get stubborn, maybe even angry at the changes and we spend time fussing over them wasting valuable time and energy that can be better used.  That's why it's better to be flexible and to learn to adapt. 
The question is, do you embrace change or resist it?  Here is a little demonstration for you about change.
CLICK HERE or photo to watch video now.
So you see, that is just a simple task of changing the position of your thumbs, and yet when asked to put your hands together again fast, you go back to the old way.  This is so true about most change in our life.  We are creatures of habit and hold onto what we know vs. accept all the things that go along with change.  Change makes us feel uncomfortable, it's "the devil we know" so to speak.  
Why do we resist change so much?  Let's use a big change that happened at our home as a fun example.  Meet Charlie.
Two weeks ago we brought Charlie into our life, a cute 12 week old kitten.  We have 2 cats already, Oliver who is 18 and Simon who is 7.  Plus Penelope the 3 year old labrador retriever.   What happened to our existing pets?
  • Fear of the Unknown - you could see it on the existing pets faces, what is happening and what is this going to mean for my attention?  Is he staying or is this just a temporary thing?  How long do we have to endure this little being?
  • Comfort with the Status Quo - Simon and Penelope are used to being the babies (Simon has allergies and gets special food and treatment of course), and Penelope was the baby, so what's going to happen to my current favourite spots in the house?  What about the treats, does he get mine, do I get less?
  • Risk Aversion - the risk of losing a comfortable situation - Simon is like "hey that's my spot!".  It's already happened numerous times.
  • Lack of Understanding or Communication - for our existing pets I wonder if they thought "why is this happening?  Aren't we enough?"  As they are a different species of course we don't know what they were thinking, but as humans when changes are not explained to us, we are left wondering, and usually those thoughts usually negative. 

With our pets, none of them realizing or caring about  how new little Charlie must feel, being taken from his family and introduced to his new one.  Poor little guy had so much against him walking in without even knowing it.  But wait, he has those humans who look out for him, so not all is lost.

We often only think of how change is going to impact us, but not others.  We may also have sorted feelings like:

  • Loss of Control - change disrupts established routines and patterns making us feel like we have less control over the circumstances.  We like routine, it's safe because we know what to  expect.
  • Attachment to the Past - as humans we have many emotional attachments, and nostalgia or sentimentality can make it difficult to let go of the past to embrace something new.
  • Perceived Threat to Job Security, if changes are happening at work.  This can then lead to resistance especially if employees fear their roles may be affected.
  • Previous Negative Experiences - Of course what happened in the past is going to rise up if we had a bad experience with change.  I must say that in the case of our pets,  Oliver (18 year old) did not warm up to Simon ever really and resisted it all the way.  But now that Charlie came along, for some reason he accepted him first and does not seem bothered by him at all, and even lets him sniff him etc. Somehow he realized there is no point in fighting change, and that is key for all of us!

Any suggestions for better adapting to change?  

Actually yes, but first remember to be patient with yourself.  

Remember the hand demonstration, we have to consciously think about change, so know the feelings you are experiencing are normal, and that with the right mindset you can get through this and maybe even come out better on the other side!

Here are some additional tips:

  • Acknowledge Your Feelings - it's normal to have feelings of fear, anxiety, excitement or uncertainty.  Recognize and validate your feelings, then move on.
  • Understand the Nature of Change - it's part of being human as we live in an ever changing world.
  • Focus on What You Can Control - identify aspects that you can control and take actions where you can. By doing so you will feel more empowered.
  • Practice Mindfulness and Presence - do not dwell on the past but rather stay in the present moment.
  • Gather Information - often we fear change because we do not know what it will involve.  Prepare yourself and find out what you need to know to help you  better adapt. 
  • Set Realistic Expectations - as demonstrated in the video, change can take time.   Be patient and allow yourself the time you need to adjust.
  • Stay Flexible and Adaptable - flexibility allows you to navigate through change more smoothly, so be open to new ideas and approaches.
  • Celebrate Small Wins - by doing so you reinforce your ability to adapt and cope.  We are celebrating that Simon is accepting Charlie (whether he likes it or not, yet anyway) and not fighting it anymore.  In fact we have caught them playing a few times, and the more they adapt the more this will happen I'm sure.  We also celebrate brave little Charlie for not taking no for an answer.  It's like "this is my home now too, so you might as well get used to me!" 


In summary be gentle on yourself and set realistic expectations when it comes to change.

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