A tasty treat to warm the belly on a cold day.

body mind emotion Nov 08, 2022

Due to the frigid temperatures we are having I thought why not feed the soul with a yummy and nutritious treat.

As some of you know we follow Anthony William, the Medical Medium, not because he's a medium, but because what he says makes sense. We have tried out many of his suggestions, including celery juice every morning, cutting out "troublemaker" foods etc. like caffeine, and just approaching our 8th, 9 day liver cleanse mid-November. 

We do it because of the wonderful results we get, and both Darren and I are healthier now than before we followed him, that's almost 3 years ago now.  In fact I have reduced my BP meds from 3 pills, down to .5 of one pill!  Now those are true results based on lifestyle changes, namely what we eat, and through cleansing our bodies.

The great news is that we have tried many of his recipes and found great substitutes for things like dairy (yeah I hear you, I never thought we would give that up, but here we are and I know I am not stuffed up all the time now, it's wonderful!), like this delicious recipe I'm about to share.

Here is his recipe for Pumpkin Spiced Latte and why the ingredients are good for you.  Knowing this motivates me to try new recipes and the delicious taste of this one keeps us coming back for more. BTW we use Oat Milk.

This is right from Anthony Williams website, recipe tab:  


"Winter squash such as pumpkin is high in carotenoids that protect liver cells from damage. The glucose in winter squash can stabilize the liver, allowing blood sugar to stabilize overall in the body.

The combination of sugars and high mineral content of maple syrup quickly travels to the liver and becomes instant fuel of phytonutrient composition. Maple syrup is like an IV for the liver containing the best of both worlds: a vast array of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients (many of them still undiscovered) coupled with high-quality sugar on which the liver thrives."

Anthony William

Pumpkin Spice Latte


  • 1/4 cup pumpkin puree, homemade or canned
  • 2 cups gluten-free oat, unsweetened almond, or light coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup 100% pure maple syrup, to taste
  • 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
  • 1-2 tbsp coconut whip, to serve (optional)
  • For the coconut whip topping (optional):
  • 1 14-ounce can coconut cream or full fat coconut milk, chilled in the fridge overnight
  • 2-3 tbsp raw honey


Combine the pumpkin puree, milk, maple syrup, and pumpkin pie spice in a blender. Blend until smooth.

Pour the mixture into a small pot and heat until warm on medium-high heat.

To make the optional coconut whip, chill your mixing bowl in the freezer for 10 minutes. When the bowl is chilled, remove the thick cream from the top of the can of coconut milk, leaving the coconut water/milk behind. Using an electric whisk, beat the cream for 2-3 minutes until you get soft peaks. Add the honey and beat for another 2 minutes.

Pour into a mug and top with coconut whipped cream (if using). You will have coconut whip leftover for another use. Sprinkle a bit of pumpkin pie spice on top and serve. 

Serves 1-2

It was meant to be heated up after blended, but we chill it and drink over ice.  Yuuummm!  We also noticed that when we heat it, somehow it's much sweeter, so keep that in mind if heating it up, you can always add more Maple Syrup as you go.  Heck we don't even bother with the coconut whipped cream, it's delicious without.

Did you find the health information interesting?  That is my key to implementing healthy foods into our lifestyle, cause when we know what the benefits are, it's much easier to bring these kinds of foods onto our plates, glasses, bowls or mugs.  Especially when they taste as good as the Pumpkin Spice Latte!

Honestly, he had me at "Maple Syrup", what a great substitute for sugar, and to know what good it does for the liver just gives me the permission I need to be healthy and enjoy one of my favourite tastes on the planet.   

Thanks Anthony!  


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