The Art of Giving and Receiving

mind and emotion Dec 05, 2022

The Art of Giving and Receiving 

You know I used to think it was kind of a funny expression "The Art...", why on earth would anyone call it an art?  Don't you just give and receive?  Well let me share an epiphany with you that I recently had and why I now believe it is an art. 

Growing up I was raised in a family where we followed my Mom's wishes of the Jehovah Witness, and did not participate in any holidays, Christmas, Birthdays, Easter, Halloween... all of them except for two occasions, a Wedding or Anniversary, then it was ok to give or receive gifts.  Other than that there was no gift giving going on.  So if you never married, you were SOL (sooo outta luck)!  My gift giving and receiving "skills" were zero to none.

Now I'm not telling you this from a place of a victimhood as an adult, as it was what it was, however as a child I would say I felt like a victim because why was it every other kid got gifts, but I was not allowed to receive gifts?  Imagine what that does to a kids self-worth?  Yeah, that's it, I was not worthy, that message was loud and clear!  Remember I was a kid here, with a child's mind and emotions, and was not focused on the why of the religion.

Anyway let's fast forward through life to when I was in my 20's.  Now disfellowshipped from the religion I was free to celebrate what I wanted, and Christmas was a big one for me.  However it was difficult to receive gifts.  While I loved it and the attention, I also hated the attention, as it did not feel right - namely those old beliefs around my self-worth where rearing their ugly head.  I was in conflict, but also stubborn, cause there was no way I was going back to that controlling religion, it just never felt right for me personally.  Then off on my journey I went.

Let's fast forward another 30 years, and I am in my 50's.  I have learned to give and receive gifts, however it wasn't until recently that I was doing some belief work around abundance, that all these emotions and memories surfaced once again.  

But it was different this time. 

I continued to dig through many of these negative beliefs I have around receiving, and found an "intention or prayer" along with the practice of HoŹ»oponopono (a traditional Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness - Wikipedia), and I finally was able to release those beliefs and the energy that went with them!  You see our thoughts create a vibration, that vibration can be high or low depending on your thoughts.  

Negative = low and Positive = high.

Problem is it's not only our thoughts ,but those underlying beliefs that need to be released, because they can actually be working against us and sending out their own vibration.  What if I say I want "abundance" but that subconscious mind is playing the old tapes and saying "oh no you don't, you're not worthy".  Now what do you think is happening to the vibration you are sending out, it's conflicted and the Universe is not clear on what you want?  So things remain the same. 

That means it's time to clear your closet, namely your subconscious mind of those beliefs that are truly holding you back from whatever it is you may want.  This is a journey and a commitment to self, but well worth the effort!

Once I started consistently incorporating that "prayer / intention", and the teachings of HoŹ»oponopono (a traditional Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness - Wikipedia) things started to shift.  In fact I feel like I am manifesting more than ever before.  This was confirmed on my birthday in November when I received 3 exact things I was wishing to purchase, and the funny thing is those people who purchased them for me had no idea I was looking to purchase exactly that!

Now that is confirmation if I ever seen it.  

The key to keep it flowing?



Keep your vibration high and your beliefs aligned with what you truly want, and don't let them unconsciously keep playing those old tapes that are holding you back. 

What I have been experience regarding receiving is nothing short of a miracle in my opinion!  Now I truly understand the "Art of giving and receiving" as it's all about the energy you are sending out to the Universe and keeping your pathways clear.

Thanks Universe for helping me uncover what I needed to change and the tools to do so. 

I am forever grateful!  

If you are feeling stuck and are ready to explore your underlying beliefs that are no longer serving you, reach out to Rebecca to coach you and guide you on this life changing journey.  Get your quotation today by clicking Consultation Quotation in the navigation bar and filling out the information to get started.

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