Listen to your body, and nap when you need a nap!

body Nov 20, 2020
Last blog we touched on the topic of falling off track.  I had mentioned that to get back on track we need to do the following:
Just think about why you did, so you can change or remove that obstacle and get back on track. 
DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP, that is a waste of energy, just learn from it and move on.  Beating yourself up lowers your vibration and doing that brings down your energy, your spark, your light.
But it's not always that easy!
Then I started thinking about it, and in talking with different people I noticed a real trend about how difficult it is to get back on track one we have had some "life events" that take you off track.
Meet our latest "life event"...
Miss Penelope Roserrita, our precious black lab baby girl.
We have never had children, the 2 legged human kind, so we can't speak from experience about how that can turn your life upside down,   but we sure can speak to raising and training a puppy, and the outside tinkle trips at 1am, 3 am... you get the idea.
Sleep deprivation was a new experience for us, and made us appreciate our parents, and all the parents out there raising babies!   Kudos to you all!
So what have we learned about self-care in the face of a life changing event
First at times you need to weigh the options
In our case spending quality time training our puppy to be a good girl, and a good walker on a leash is the ultimate goal.
While this meant some of our self-care took a hit, we are looking at the big picture, in this case, soon she will be needing walks twice a day, so what a boost to our self-care program that will be.  We are now in full on leash training and its going great!  So in this case the investment in time in the beginning, is well worth the long term results.
Penelope will be our daily motivation for walking, and walking at a good pace.  There is no negotiating this as doggies need their exercise, and we knew this going in, and is part of our long term self-care program.
Secondly, learning from Miss Penelope Roserrita, when you're tired, take a nap.  This is called listening to your body.
I don't know about you, but I was raised with the idea that naps were for babies and the elderly, and certainly had no place in the "land of the living" so to speak.  At first it seemed like I was "lazy" or "sloughing off", but then I realized how my personal productivity and energy had gone down due to the sleep deprivation, so I gave napping a try.
What I learned, keep it to a nap, and once you wake, get up don't try and go back to sleep, as when I do it leaves me with that groggy feeling and worse off than before my nap.  
So have  a nap when you need it, GUILT FREE! 
It's liberating!
Remember self-care has many faces, and sleep is essential to living a good healthy life, so next time you need a nap, take a nap, you may be surprised how much better and more productive you are afterwards.
In the next article we will chat further about why it's so hard to get back on track and what to do about it.

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