Laughter is the best medicine!

mind and emotion Feb 16, 2021

I started off with the intention to write about "the bathroom scale" and it reminded me of a funny story, that I'm about to share.  However before I do the purpose of this message is simple. 

"Laughter truly is the best medicine." 
When was the last time you had a good belly laugh?   
Let's face it, the past year has been unprecedented in our lifetime, and has been quite a challenge for many.  If we are fortunate enough to have not experienced loss (a person, a job, a relationship), we still are feeling the effects of self-isolation and limited gatherings.  It's as if our freedoms have been taken away.... so I ask again, when was the last time you have a good belly laugh?
As cited in this article from the Mayo Clinic (click here to read the entire article) laughter both short term and long term effects.  Some of the short term affects include:
As oxygen intake increases it stimulates the organs (heart, lungs and muscles) and increases endorphin release from the brain.
Can decrease blood pressure and reduce heart rate. 
Can also stimulate circulation and aid muscle relaxation.
Improve your immune system as positive thoughts can actually release neuropeptides that help fight stress and potentially more-serious illnesses.​​​​
Help your body produce it's own natural pain killer.
Improve your overall mood and personal satisfaction.
Help to lighten most situations, therefore allowing better outcome as a result.
So I ask again, when was the last time you had a good belly laugh?
Now back to the bathroom scale, and my funny story.
I have always struggled with my weight, and have tried just about everything out there to manage my weight.   It's been a personal journey, and one time in my life I was attending Weight Watcher meetings regularly, on my own.
One bright Saturday morning I sat in the meeting room waiting for the speaker to arrive, while people shuffled in and found their seats.
I was sitting in a row by myself, and 2 ladies sat behind me.  The meeting started.
The speaker was well into her motivational speech, when she asked the question:
"What does your scale say when you step on it?"
Well one of the ladies behind me in a low voice says to her friend "GET OFF!".  Well the inappropriateness of the comment, and just the comment itself struck me as so funny, and there I sat alone in my row with shoulders shaking and tears running down my face in light of the  "get off" comment.
The speaker looked at me as if I had 3 heads, as she did not say anything funny, so what the heck was I laughing at?   Trying to hold it in made it 10x more funny to me!  Ever have those inappropriate laughing moments, like in Church or at a funeral?   If yes, then you know what i'm talking about.
Well I have to tell you those 2 little words (get off) stayed with me all weekend, and I would giggle and giggle every time I though of it!   Knowing what we now know about laughter being the best medicine, I'm sure my body experienced some great healing that weekend.  I still get a good laugh every time I tell that story.
So what's the story that makes you laugh, anytime, anywhere? 
Please drop me a line to [email protected] or [email protected] and let me know, as I would love to hear it!
Let's face it, in these strange and stressful times, everyone can use a little laughter.


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