"Gratitude is the Best Weapon for Negativity."

mind and emotion Aug 09, 2022
Do you ever have those days where most of your thoughts are negative?  Do you even notice or is it other peoples reactions to you that snap you out of it and into awareness?  
The question then becomes, what can you do about it?
Having a discussion with a good friend Jo recently, and she said "Gratitude is the best weapon for negativity." 
It stopped me in my tracks as I never thought of gratitude as a weapon, but when it comes to negativity, perhaps that is exactly what we need.  
The key is first being aware of your negative state, then try to change what you are thinking, which may not always be easy.  So what more can we do?
One option is to start repeating an affirmation to yourself and really listen to what you're saying (can be silently to self),  and see how your mindset changes.  I personally use "I'm sorry. Please forgive me.  I love you.  Thank you."  Basically I'm acknowledging my "mood" to the Universe and being reminded there is something bigger.  But for you, choose what is comfortable.
Or use "the weapon"  of Gratitude, as that totally changes your thoughts instantly. 
Well I discovered going to gratitude made a huge difference in the moment and in my day.   

You may be thinking, well what am I grateful for?  See the examples below but to step it up a notch, say or think why you are grateful for that.

Some examples:
 I am SO GRATEFUL to have a roof over my head as I looked out and watched the rain pour down, knowing I am safe and dry.
I am SO GRATEFUL for our backyard and the shade provided by the lovely trees on those hot summer days.   They keep me cool, thank you!
I am SO GRATEFUL for the many wonderful people (name them) in my life, as they fill my heart with joy.
I am SO GRATEFUL to soak in a big warm bathtub, as it is such a luxury and makes me feel good.
I am SO GRATEFUL I have a comfortable bed to sleep in, and snuggle up with my husband and yes of course the dog.  Because I love them both so much!!!
In fact our dog, Penelope has taught me a lot in how to live simple, and appreciate the small things in life, as it doesn't take much to wag her tail. A good trip to the river is the best day ever!
Got me thinking about myself and is it that difficult to find something to make me smile, giggle (my form of tail wagging)?  Well it all depends on my mindset, so once again finding the smallest thing to be grateful for can change the entire vibration of the day.
I'm also grateful that Molly, our previous Lab taught me the power of my thoughts energetically, or vibrationally. 
In going through a life challenge, I woke one morning, going over the scenario in my head and I was angry.  Well she looked at me, and got up and walked away from me.  I thought it was coincidence, until it happened again the next day, when I was in the same mental state.
This made me realize the power of our thoughts, and how they send off energy in a very literal way.  I notice the same thing with Penelope if I'm upset about something, so am quick to change my thoughts.  I am then grateful for her signal that I am off so I can make change.  Even that awareness and gratitude about my state can start to change my day to a better one.
Just think about the power of our thoughts during the day if we are out in public and getting annoyed... ask yourself "what am I sending off, and what am I attracting as a result?"  As you can count on the Law of Attraction to be in full action.  Knowing that, it's up to me what and how I wish to experience it.
The pearl of wisdom here is about choice
It's up to you whether you wish for that ripple effect to be of positive or negative, just like tossing a pebble into the water.
So next time you are not having a good day, maybe a good place to turn to is gratitude.  It's worth a try, as what do you have to lose?  The day can only get better.

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