Feeling Stressed? Try this...

mind and emotion Jul 09, 2023

Feeling stressed and can't seem to find a remedy?

Have you ever tried or even heard of Lemon Balm?
First of all what is Lemon balm, and where can you get it?
Lemon balm is a herbaceous perennial plant from the mint family.  It is native to Mediterranean region and is widely cultivated around the world for its aromatic leaves and medicinal properties.
The leaves of lemon balm are primarily used for their medicinal and culinary purposes, such as in making herbal teas, infusions, tinctures, and extracts.  
Now regarding tinctures, many are preserved in alcohol, but common sense dictates (as suggested by Anthony William and I agree) that we could be harming our liver and making it process that, instead of gaining all the goodness from the Lemon balm.  Our livers become drunk with alcohol so is it really going to give us the best bang for our buck?  Would you hire a drunk to deliver your nutrients, or would you think they were probably not capable of doing the job as good as someone sober?
For that reason I suggest the brand Vimergy, or one like it available on Amazon, as it's housed in organic glycerin (flax) and purified water.  That way you are getting the pure benefits of the lemon balm.
We follow Anthony William, and have implemented many of his suggestions, and all have worked fabulously, so when he suggested using Lemon balm for stress, Darren was the test subject, due to his high stress job.  The first day he tried it, I got a phone call and he was happy and relaxed to report how Lemon balm has taken the edge off his stress.  So this got me interested to learn more and here is what I found, besides Darren's testimonial.
Potential benefits of Lemon balm:
  • Calming and relaxing effects - traditionally it's been used for it's calming and soothing effects on the nervous system.  
  • It may also help reduce anxiety, promote relaxation and improve sleep quality, when diffused as an essential oil.  Who doesn't need help sleeping?
  • Antiviral properties - contains compounds that have demonstrated antiviral effects against certain viruses, including herpes simplex virus and influenza virus.
  • Digestive aid - can relieve digestive discomfort and improve digestion.  May help reduce symptoms such as bloating, gas and indigestion.
  • Mood enhancement - studies suggest it may have positive effects on mood and cognitive function.  
  • Antioxidant and Antiinflammatory - can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.  It also exhibits anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Cold sore treatment - Due to its antiviral properties, it's commonly used as a natural remedy for cold sores.  Topical application of lemon balm ointment or cream may help reduce the duration and severity of outbreaks.
  • Skin Health - it is commonly used in skincare products due to it's soothing and antioxidant properties and may help calm irritated skin, reduce redness, and promote a healthy complexion.


It's important to note that while lemon balm has a long history of traditional use and shows promise in scientific studies, more research is needed to fully understand its healing properties and mechanisms of action.  As with any herbal remedy, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using lemon balm, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

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