Connecting with Others as self-care

mind and emotion Jun 20, 2022
What do you think when you hear the term "self-care"?
Does it send a shiver down your spine as you think of it as "something else I'm not doing but SHOULD be doing", followed by a long sigh...  well you're not alone.
Maybe you can consider a different definition and see if that changes your perspective enough to motivate you to try something new.
In a short phrase I believe that self-care is feeding your body and / or soul by doing something you love and causes no harm I call this self-care. 
If you look at it that way, it has a whole new meaning versus just something else to add to your "to do" list. 
Well now, thinking about things you love that feed your body and or soul.  Now that can cover a lot more than just the typical things like diet and exercise.  Maybe it's treating yourself to a new haircut and style, or going to a pedicure, or just taking time for a nap... It may be different for everyone, as we are all different, so think outside the box of what you love.
If you are struggling to find something, what about this?
How about calling or arranging a visit with an old friend?  Someone you can share memories with, laugh, giggle til you almost "lost it" if you know what I mean, or share your deepest darkest secrets with.
June has been a month of catching up with many of our loved ones after what seemed like a new life with COVID 19.  This month we have seen folks from Saskatchewan, Edmonton, Vancouver, Calgary and even made time for coffee with a new friend.  Of course there are many things I "should be" working on, however I gave myself permission to take the time with each of them to refresh our relationship, and my soul.
It's not easy to let go of our long list of responsibilities sometimes, but I will say why not give it a try, even for a few hours to reconnect with someone you have been meaning to for a long time.  COVID 19 taught us to retreat, go within and had its own lessons to teach us, one of which for me is, what's most important in life.   Are people important in your life?  If yes then...
Maybe this is just the push you need to pick up the phone and give yourself and a loved one a reminder that they are important to you.  You will warm both your hearts in the process and give yourself a little bit of "soul food" if you will. 
It's all part of self-care when you look at it differently and is worth the time and effort it takes.  Your body, mind and soul will thank you after with feelings of gratitude and love.  Then you can go back to your list of responsibilities feeling a little lighter and happier and glad you took the time for what's important.
As L'Oreal coined the phrase years ago "Because you're worth it!"

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